
Delphine BOTTON


En résumé

I am currently working at the French American Chamber of Commerce San Francisco area.

Mes compétences :
Communication - Marketing
Decision making
Organization skills
Wedding planner


  • French American Chamber of Commerce - Marketing/Event Coordinator

    2012 - 2013
  • Karine Brighten Events - Assistant Event Coordinator and Event Manager of the Berkeley Vegan Earth Day

    2011 - maintenant - Approached vendors, speakers and sponsors, secured and managed 20 volunteers, planned logistic including site inspection and selection, planned schedule, utilized social media.
    - On-site management: attended, oversaw, and was point person for the event.
    - Developed the visibility of the company: ran a survey to redesign the website, created a mailing list of potential new clients.
    - Recommended and managed the creative development of communication tools and materials, such as eco-friendly signage, poster, flyer and PowerPoint presentation.
  • Pôle Emploi - Administrative Officer

    Paris 2008 - 2010 Registered and oriented new job seekers. Calculated their income status.
  • Palais des Festivals of Cannes - Assistant of special events coordinator

    2007 - 2007 In charge of the International Firework Festival, managed logistic issues with the firework manufacturers.
    Designed and coordinated promotion (posters, flyers and website), managed the creation of the Public Price Vote.
    Organized personal itineraries for 7 jurors, planned social events.
  • AICLER PROVENCE - Assistant Event Planner (Volunteer)

    2006 - 2006 Organized hospitality for a Russian band during the 11th International Choir Festival in Provence.
    Planned group excursions, managed logistic, trained an assistant, assisted in the production of the Mozart Requiem show.
  • ELYO - Purchase Assistant

    2005 - 2005 Organization and inventory management, reception and order redistribution.



Annuaire des membres :