
Thibault BRICKS


En résumé

Mes compétences :


  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche - Chargé de missions scientifiques

    PARIS 12 2014 - maintenant
  • UTC compiègne - Doctorat

    2011 - 2014 Advances in bioengineering are allowing the development of various complex microfluidic biochips that can reproduce the interactions between the organs such as the liver, kidney, intestine or the lung. The laboratory has already developed liver, kidney and intestine models. The purpose of the project will be to work on the integration of the biochips in order to propose a multi organ interaction model. Then xenobiotics will be tested in order to evaluate the systemic interaction between the tissues. It will include liver metabolism and drug permeability to investigate the pharmacokinetic in vitro. The project will be done the in the context of the Tox/Ecotox and Predictive Toxicology programs of the UTC related to the developments and the introduction of alternative methods to animal testing. In this frame, the team of the laboratory has developed the cell biochip activity since 2003
  • INSERM Lille - Stagiaire recherche

    2011 - 2011 susceptibilité du poumon humain à son environnement chimique

    Etude de l'impact de particules atmosphériques sur l'activité de gènes de l'inflammation, du stress oxydant et de détoxication (EMX).

    -PCR en temps réel (Taq man low density array)
    -Western blot/électrophorèse
    -cultures cellulaires
  • Camphill ballytobin - Stagiaire, assistant

    2010 - 2010 Encadrement d'handicapées moteurs et mentaux
  • Gaec ferme bio de they - Stagiaire ouvrier

    2009 - 2009 stage ouvrier + analyse du fonctionnement de l'exploitation



Annuaire des membres :