


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Asie du sud est


  • DACOTEX GROUP - Attaché Direction Generale

    2012 - maintenant Coordinateur entre les 3 sociétés du groupe Dacotex.
    Mission de réorganisation et de mises en place de nouveaux procédés de communication et de gestion, particulièrement au niveau des plateformes logistiques.
  • Groupe CORA VIETNAM 600 personnes - Training Manager

    2000 - 2003 Formation commerciale de 40 chef de rayons.
    Formation comprenant:
    -- negociation d'un contrat
    -- negociation d'achats
    -- organisation du temps de travail selon les objectifs a atteindre
    -- redaction de lettres commerciales
    -- comment travailler dans un environnement interculturel.
    -- les differences culturelles, leurs origines, les consequences dans des relations interculturelles.
    -- sensibilisation aux attitudes liees aux reflexes culturels. Ses solutions.
    -- approche marketing

    Training for 40 team leaders
    Training including:
    - Negotiation of a contract
    - Negotiation of purchases
    - Organization of working time according to the objectives to reach
    - Drafting of business letters
    - How to work in an intercultural environment.
    - Cultural differences, their origins, consequences in intercultural relations.
    - Education and attitudes related to cultural reflexes. Solutions.
    - Marketing
  • Ecole francaise Colette Saigon Vietnam - Enseignant

    1993 - 2000 Ecole francaise Colette 1003-2000)
    - Mise en place du programme de formation pour les eleves etrangers souhaitant suivre leur scolarite de l'Ecole francaise.
    - Mise en place du programme F.L.E (Francais langue etrangere)pour les classes primaires et secondaires.
    - Fondateur du club Judo

    IDECAF (Institut d'Echanges avec la France)1994-1997)
    - Fondateur du programme F.L.E pour enfants vietnamiens
    - Fondateur des premieres classes F.L.E pour enfants vietnamiens et etrangers.

    C.R.F Asie-Pacifique(Centre regional (1993-1995)
    - Animateur des stages (1 mois chaque stage)pour des enseignants laotiens, cambodgiens, vietnamiens et vanuatais.

    Ecole CADASA (2000-2003)
    - Fondateur du departement de francais de l'Ecole Cadasa
    - Directeur, enseignant F.L.E (Francais Langue Etrangere)
    - Premier departement de francais du Sud Vietnam proposant un soutien multi-media (400 ordinateurs)a l'ensemble des eleves.

    Ecole Francaise Colette 1003-2000)
    - Establishment of training program for foreign students wishing to attend their school of the Ecole francaise.
    - Establishment of FLE (French as a Foreign Language) classes for primary and secondary schools.
    - Founder of Judo club Colette

    IDECAF (Institute for Trade with France) 1994-1997)
    - Founder of FLE program for Vietnamese children
    - Founder of the first classes for children FLE Vietnamese and foreigners.

    C.R.F Asia-Pacific (Regional Center (1993-1995)
    - Animator internships (1 month each stage) for Laotian, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Vanuatu teachers.

    CADAS School (2000-2003)
    - Founder of the French department of the Cadasa School.
    - Director, Teacher FLE (French Foreign Language)
    - First Department of French in South Vietnam offering a multi-media support (400 computers) for all students.
  • Alliance francaise St John Bangkok/Silpakorn University Thailande - Fondateur/directeur/enseignant.

    1989 - 1993 Alliance Francaise de St John de Bangkok

    Creation d'une Alliance francaise en partenariat avec le college St John (directeur M Chararong).
    -- St John mettait a notre disposiion les locaux en contrepartie desquels l'Alliance assurait les cours de francais du secondaire
    -- preparation des programmes specifiques a l'Alliance
    -- preparation des programmes pour le college St John.
    -- recrutement des enseignants.
    -- formation et definition des objectifs
    -- gestion de l'Alliance, des budgets, des publicites
    -- organisation de sorties avec les eleves de St John
    -- mise en place des examens
    -- promotion de l'Alliance dans les medias locaux
    -- proposition de formations professionnelles aux entreprises locales et etrangeres.

    Creation of an Alliance francaise in partnership with the College of St. John (Director M.Chararong ).
    - St John has put our disposiion premises in return for which the Alliance provided french courses in secondary.
    - Preparation of specific programs to the Alliance.
    - Preparation programs for college St John.
    - Recruitment of teachers.
    - Training and definition of objectives
    - Management of the Alliance, budgets, advertising.
    - Organization of escorted ls students of St John.
    - Introduction of examinations.
    - Promotion of the Alliance in the local media
    - Proposal for training to local and foreign compagnies.
  • Dimpex France - Directeur national des ventes

    1987 - 1989 Functions :
    - in charge of sales turnover
    - responsible for negotiators of national purchasing power stations (annual contracts, referencing of new products, …)
    - responsible for the sales force: recruitment of Regional Managers, Commercial Attachés, training, monitoring of career, evolution of career, wages,…
    - responsible for the objectives given by the General Director on the national level
    - distribution of the objectives by area
    - distribution of the publi-promotional budgets by area
    - distribution by area of the objectives by family of product
  • Vibert/Procter and Gamble France - Directeur regional

    1982 - 1987
  • Bayer Group France - Attache commercial

    1980 - 1982



Annuaire des membres :