


En résumé

Software Architect with a strong technical focus on JEE & Java.
Experienced JEE developper

> Also particularly interested in web front-end development, including notions of ergonomics & webdesign

> Strong knowledge & experience in agile practices (scrum, XP): certified ScrumMaster since june '10


java & jee / (web) frameworks / agile methodologies / software design

Mes compétences :
Java EE


  • Orange - Tech Lead

    Paris 2012 - maintenant définition de l’architecture logicielle et développement d’un framework de présentation dédié aux IHMs mobiles
    - mise en place d’une plateforme d’intégration continue
    - suivi des besoins métier & définition des stories en collaboration avec la maitrise d’ouvrage
    - encadrement de sprints, référent technique
  • Orange France Télécom - Research and Development - ScrumMaster / Agile developer

    Paris 2010 - 2012 > working on Cloud computing, Middleware and Services

    - web development using the Apache Wicket Framework
    - java/jee development
    - working in scrum mode, with a team of 6-8 people
  • Orange - Software Architect

    Paris 2006 - 2010 > since sept. 2009 : Online Order Capture prototype (4p. team)

    - realization of the server-side of the application
    - coupling of a rich interface and an order configuration module
    - took part of the RIA realization, in collaboration with an R&D team

    > since oct. 2008 : Internal Order Capture application (30p. team)

    - packaging of a software module dedicated to complex orders management & configuration
    - deployment of an agile-oriented methodology (scrum)
    - tutoring of new team members
    - realization of a RIA application designed to administrate a catalogue of offers
    - joint work with the SOA program of the group to implement enterprise business services
    - documentation & functionnal tests redaction

    > oct. 2007 to oct. 2008 : Internal Order Capture experimentation (8p. team)

    - design of the software architecture & realization of the application
    - deployment of an agile-oriented methodology (scrum)
    - the project won the 2008 ITN Award !

    > nov. 2007 to oct. 2007 : Consulting missions

    - collaboration with external companies to help developing the next version of a MDA framework
    - architecture & code reviews for various projects
    - redaction of software architecture design documents
  • EBusinessInformation - Excylis - JEE Engineer

    2006 - 2006 > Design and creation of a web application dedicated to security management and rights & accesses customization for the different modules of the internal information system.

    > Realization of a training documentation on Object Oriented Concepts and Unified Modeling Language (UML)


  • Ecole Centrale De Lille (Villeneuve D'Ascq)

    Villeneuve D'Ascq 2003 - 2006 Informatique de gestion


Annuaire des membres :