


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Project management
Software Development


  • IOTA-TAU - Consultant at European Commission

    2012 - maintenant Technical Team Leader of ErasmusForAllLink, a DotNet application managing the 2014-2020 ErasmusForAll programme within the Informatics Unit into DG EAC (Education and Culture).
    The main tasks are: people management, collecting new requirements, test management, producing and verifying technical and business documentation, risk analysis, planning and scheduling.
  • European Commission - IT Project Manager

    Bruxelles 2008 - 2011 Project manager of IT projects within the LIFE unit into DG Environment: IT-related financial planning (in coordination with the Head of Unit), monitoring, and procurement activities related to the IT projects.
    IT service definition, analysis, design and requirement management, documentation, monitoring and control.
    Applying Project Management and RUP@EC methodologies for a high level quality standard of the projects.
    Contract management under rules of framework contract of EC and coordination of external service providers.
    Selection of IT-tools and products.
    Working as IT correspondent of the operative unit (LIFE) to the informatics unit.
    Managing several IT tasks and working with Office tools.
    Close collaboration with LIFE programme selection procedure.
    Among the IT projects, 2 of them (BUTLER and ESAP) were managed in close collaboration with the IT unit. The main tasks related to these 2 projects were: collecting new requirements, change management, testing, user management and assistance. BUTLER is a collaborative and workflow-wise system able to maintain data and documentation related to LIFE projects. ESAP is the tool providing a collaborative environment for the selection exercise of LIFE projects.
    Another project – eProposal – was managed within the LIFE unit. This project was outsourced to an external company and its quality was assured by following RUP@EC methodology. The web application eProposal allows applicants of LIFE programme to submit their proposal on-line. The main tasks related to this project were: analysing business and use cases, coordinating external providers, collecting requirements, producing and verifying technical and business documentation, change management, testing, SLA (service level agreement) management, risk analysis, planning and scheduling.
  • ALTI - IT Project Manager

    Puteaux 2008 - 2008 Project manager of an IT project (web application in ASP.NET 3.5, C#) for Ontex.
    Leading a small development team (3 people); reporting to the steering committee. Business and technical analysis.
    The main tasks related to this project were: creating project offers, producing business and technical analysis, analysing business and use cases, coordinating clients, collecting requirements, producing and verifying technical and business documentation, change management, testing, risk analysis, planning and scheduling.
  • CSI - IT Project Manager

    2007 - 2008 Project manager for a web application (ASP.NET 2.0, C#) interacting with SAP system (Governance, Risk, Control modules), putting in place all methodologies and artefacts ensuring the quality of the project life cycle (Business Requirements, Unit and Integration Tests, Parallel Development with Team Foundation Server) and playing in first line the architectural role (three tiers application, choice of NHibernate framework).
  • BPost - IT Project Manager

    2006 - 2007 Project manager of ARS/PRS (an application and database containing all Parties, i.e. customers having commercial relations with the Post, and all Agreements) leading a team of 5 people and coordinating communication with 20 other applications, using web services of ARS/PRS and following the PMF (Project Management Framework) concepts and the Software Development Methodology (standard at Post-ICT).
    Main tasks were: managing the planning of every release, people (resources) management, managing the business requirements and the relationship with the business department, improving the relationship with the other project managers, managing the project scope, taking care that all the planned deliverables were completed on time.
  • IRIS - Consultant at European Commission

    Dubai 2004 - 2006 Project manager of RAPID, a web application that functions with a database that contains all the press releases of the European Commission since 1985, using RUP (Rational Unified Process) methodology and all its aspects (UML, use cases, time planning, etc.).
    Project manager and team leader for new workflow developments using Java and .NET framework technologies and Oracle database.
    Main tasks were: coordinating the development team, reporting to the head of unit on the project status, managing the business requirements, being the interface between all the stakeholders and the development team.
  • Dedalus - Analyst-programmer and IT Project Manager

    2000 - 2003 Analyst-programmer in Power Builder 7, Delphi 5, Visual Basic 6, Visual C++ 6: development of the Millewin software (application processing medical and health care records).
    Maintenance and development of new parts of the Millewin application developed in Power Builder: development of a objects’ class in order to manage data export to Millepocket programme.
    Two modules OCX developed in Visual Basic (using class MsMapi) to do automatic sending (or with confirmation) of e-mails from Millewin.
    DLL developed in Visual C++ for crypt data to be attached to emails that are sent to the C-Care server.
    Full library OCX developed in Delphi to manage (create, modify) XML documents.
    Delphi program to make Autorun of installation CD: the application runs at CD insertion and by means of a browser allows to display news, offers and the buttons allow upgrade or installation of the new Millewin version.
    Delphi programme to manage a Access DB (access to DB made by ADO technology). DB developed to manage medical/scientific terms used by Millewin and to create a flexible exchange data interface (XML).
    Project manager of MillePocket, application Pocket PC interfacing with MilleWin.
    Development environment: Visual Studio .NET
    Development and management of Millepocket software in Visual Basic .NET and a SQL Server CE database. Management of a team of 2 persons for software maintenance, management of the project’s timing and collaboration with the sales department in order to launch the service onto the market. Planning of a test team and managing test list (complete tests list, new tests list, non regression tests list).
    Responsible of European projects:
    - C-CARE (Continuous Care): creation of one server managing security reception and transmission of health and hospital case sheets. Use of XML for information exchange and DTD for data similarity. The XML files are encrypted and attached in e-mails that are sent to the server. A Lotus agent will upload the XML file onto an Oracle DB. Only authorised users can have access to the information which visualisation is enabled by means of XSL files.
    - e-ProLearn (e-learning for professional development): creation of an identification engine of scientific know-how in medicine and development of a server managing on-line courses and distance learning.
  • Computer Sharing - Analyst-programmer

    2000 - 2000 Analyst-programmer in Visual Basic 6 (with COM and ADO technology): software development of an application managing data brought by the sales representatives working for the Debora Cosmetics company.
    Creation of software developed in Visual Basic under Windows 2000 and SQL Server DB. Translation of functional specifications into technical specifications. Managing of a developing team of 3 persons.
  • SECETI - Analyst-programmer

    1999 - 2000 Analyst-programmer in Delphi 5 and J-Builder 3: analysis and development of remote banking application software.
    Development and management of the programme SeceCBI in Delphi and creation of a web client in Java.
  • Spazo Zero Uno - Consultant at Pirelli Cables & Systems

    1997 - 1999 Customer service member in Network Management: computer system managing and controlling optical fibre telecommunication networks.
    Computer system of performance, measure and alarm for the telecommunications network system: operating system Unix, database Oracle, programming language C++. Experience in full installation of the system and client assistance.
  • 3F Data Systems - Analyst-programmer

    1997 - 1997 Analyst-programmer: programming language: CVMac belonging to Computer Vision which is specific for the automation of CAD design.
  • Military Geographic Institute - Computer expert at Elaboration data centre

    1996 - 1997 Computer expert with the specific role to digitalise territorial maps out from raster maps (manual digitalisation) and transformation of vectored maps into maps with altitude information (matrix altitude maps). Creation of applications with algorithms in Fortran (under operating system VAX-VMS) to automation of digitalisation.


Pas de formation renseignée


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