
Franã§ois-Xavier DESPRET


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Philips Speech Processing
Business Development
speech recognition
remote, synchronous training
process management
Value Chain Analysis
Team Management
Project Management
Problem solving
New Business Development
Commercial Management



    2007 - maintenant 3-GSP proposes a webconferencing service for professionnels: a unique tool for organising virtual,


    collaborative meetings or for giving remote, synchronous training between a teacher and a number of
    students. The service seamlessly integrates audio-, video- and web-conferencing and can be used on any PC
    (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc) with internet access, a web browser and Flash Player, a webcam and a regular
    telephone. The service does not require installation and therefore is firewall friendly. It works on
    3GSP develops high-tech services (Hardware and Software) for remote access to conferences and
    press-conferences. 3GSP was the first company to introduce a commercial remote interpretation service.
  • 3GSP (B) - Associate & i-Management and CEO

    2007 - maintenant , associate at i-Management and CEO of 3GSP (B). As associate at i-Management, François-Xavier
    manages projects for business development. i-Management produces and delivers high level trainings and
    training contents.
    Founder of 3GSP, professional solutions for video conferencing,Web-casting and remote interpretation,
    previously founder of MAP Telecom, a virtual network operator specialised in IVR. Before creating MAP
    Telecom. Previously co-founder of Supplitel AG (first independent ASP in the field of speech recognition
    services) and General Manager Southern Europe for Philips Speech Processing. He held positions in Brussels,
    London, Zurich, Paris and Monaco.
    After receiving his M.Sc. Chemistry from the University of Namur (Belgium), he earned a Certificate in
    business management.
    He held positions in Brussels, London, Zurich, Paris and Monaco.
    François is the founder of the Passport VoiceXML, the first European training and competence centre for WC
    VXML language.


    Training contents production and animation, Commercial architect, B to B, High-tech. Sales process
    management and completion. Complex projects management. Tenders and offers management. Commercial
    strategy, sales management, product awareness development, offer creation/adaptation/layout. Sales offer
    versus sales promise.
    Value Chain analysis, leverage identification.
  • EPSILON - SWIFT advisor & IT manager

    Paris 2005 - 2012 Epsilon Group is a software and technology consultancy company active throughout the world with master
    distributors in Luxembourg for Europe and the USA for the rest of the world.

    The mission is to deliver client-specific, web-based technology solutions to small financial institutions such
    as banks and community bank or financial services companies.
  • MAP Telecom - CEO

    2001 - 2005 MAP Telecom as a virtual operator offers access to a fully deployed Voice and data telecom infrastructure
    (IVR, SMS, MMS...) on an international basis.
    For content and service hosted on a telco grade quality environment, thanks to a fully deployed international
    network of premium numbers, MAP Telecom enables micro payment with collect to Monaco.
  • Supplitel - VP sales

    2000 - 2001 Business development
  • François-Xavier was General - General Manager

    1998 - 2000 South Europe at Philips Speech Processing
    (2 years 7 months)
    Manager Southern Europe for Philips Speech Processing.


  • IESCM (Bruxelles)

    Bruxelles 1984 - 1985
  • FUNDP (Namur)

    Namur 1980 - 1984 Master of Science

    Activities and Societies: François is the founder of the Passport VoiceXML, the first European training and
    competence centre.


Annuaire des membres :