
Eleanor HAC


En résumé

I offer clients precise, native-quality translation and reviewing services in both French and English. Thanks to my bilingual and multicultural professional and academic background, I have first-hand knowledge of the topics I translate, and have the necessary writing skills to convey information that will sound like original content to target audiences.

I value clear and reactive communication in my relationships with clients, to make sure I deliver what they need for their industry.

My legal background has provided me with an obsession for accuracy and clarity, and a very strong eye for detail. Experience in communications has empowered me to take up stylistic challenges to meet, or exceed, client expectations for their multilingual publications.

Feel free to get in touch to ask for a quote or enquire about anything else!

Alongside some general translation, my fields of specialisation are: international development and humanitarian relief, human rights, legal and marketing, home security, and human resources applied to software technology.

Very much looking forward to collaborating with you.

Have a fantastic day!


Pas d'entreprise renseignée


Pas de formation renseignée

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