


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Materials synthesis
Characterization techniques: Scanning Electron Mic
Formulation in supercapacitors; Carbon and metal o
Cell assembling: Swadgelok, microelectrode system,
Methods; Galvanostatic measurements, cyclic voltam
Organic synthesis and purification techniques
Microsoft Office, internet tools and scientific so


  • Westfäliche Wilhelms Münster Universität - Research associate

    2013 - maintenant Electrochemical Energy Technology (MEET)

    Topic: Development of carbonaceous materials adapted to ionic liquids-based electrolytes

    for their use in supercapacitors


  • Université Nantes

    Nantes 2009 - 2012 Doctor of Philosophy

    Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (IMN) Team ST2E (Materials and devices for energy storage and conversion)
  • Universidad Autónoma De Nuevo León (San Nicolas De Los Garza, N.L.)

    San Nicolas De Los Garza, N.L. 2006 - 2008 Masters in Chemistry of Materials

    Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous Structures (M-OMS2) for use in Electrochemical Capacitors
  • Universidad Autónoma De Nuevo León (San Nicolás De Los Garza Nuevo León)

    San Nicolás De Los Garza Nuevo León 2001 - 2006 License in Industrial Chemistry


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