
Carine JACOB


En résumé

Pas de description


  • Xpectis - Business analyst

    2015 - maintenant My job consists of:
    - Apprehend clients requirements and needs
    - Make some mock-ups as basis for discussion
    - Write some analysis documents describing the functionality requested by the client
    - Being the end to end business reference between developers and client
  • Xpectis - Software engineer

    2007 - 2015 Creation and development of EasyWay application in ASP.Net (multi-tiers, MVC, WCF, Entity framework, JQuery)

    Development on FundSettle application (multi-tiers):
    - first in VB6 and ASP 3
    - migration of the application in ASP.Net
    - new functionality either in front-end part either in back-end part in ASP.Net

    Development on LoanReach application in ASP.Net with source sharing with another team

    Creation of ClimateSettle application in ASP.Net
  • Pluzix - Webmaster Developeur

    2002 - 2007 - Analyse des besoins
    - Mise en place des bases de données sous SQL Serveur
    - Réalisation des développements des sites en ASP.NET et ASP3
    - Maintenance des différents projets


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :