


En résumé

Architect/ Urban Designer/ Planner with more than eleven years effective work experience in architecture, urban planning and urban design projects. My duties cover defining the schemes’ spatial arrangement, preparing the initial proposal drafts, managing, monitoring and producing the detailed plans, for all phases and scales of the development.
I am team worker, experienced in establishing the bridge between private sector and governmental participants in the development process.
I am passionate about spatial planning and urban design and also being part of each project evolution as a unique piece. I love new challenges and I see them - whether in the planning scope or not - as an opportunity to grow as a person and as a professional.
Along with architecture, urban design and planning, I love everything about independent travelling, photography, cinema, literature, drawing, illustration and origami, which makes me being always immersed in a world of new inputs for creativity.

Mes compétences :
Urban Planning
Urban Design
Comprehensive Planning
Site Planning
Site Analysis
Landscape Design
3D Modeling
3D Architectural Rendering
Concept Development
Master Planning
Land Use Planning
Urban Studies
Development Planning


  • - Architect/ Urban designer/ Planner

    2011 - maintenant Digital me -
    Cv and Portfolio -
    Photoblog -
  • AP ARQ - Atelier Pra?tico de Arquitectura - Content developer for an urbanism training program

    2005 - 2005 Content development to be used in a T5 TECAD training program for young architects and urban
  • Europan 7 - European competitions for new architecture on themes related to urbanism - Architect/ Urban Planner

    2003 - 2003 Competion theme - “Suburban Challenge: Urban Intensity and Housing Diversity - Exploring the urbanised edges”, Tercena/ Oeiras, Portugal
  • Universidade Luso?fona de Humanidades e Tecnologias - Urban Planning Intern

    2000 - 2001 Site analysis, zoning and proposal in Oeiras - Tercena land use and spacial planning.
  • Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Universidade do Minho - Urban Planner

    1999 - 2001 Part of the team that drafted the revision of PROZED (Plano Regional de Ordenamento do Território da Zona Envolvente do Douro), in the northern region of Portugal, responsible for site planning, site analysis, long-term planning management, open space and urban design studies, regional planning.
  • T5, arquitectura e planeamento - Architect/ Urban Planner

    1999 - 2011 Head of urbanism department.
    Coordination and collaboration on projects of urbanism, architecture, modeling and three-dimensional rendering.
  • Ca?mara Municipal da Moita, Departamento de Planeamento e Gesta?o Urbani?stica - Urban Planning Intern

    1998 - 1999 Developed the urban study project "Estudo Urbanistico Palheirão/ Juncalinho Enquadramento,
    Análise e Estudo, Proposta Urbana" for Moita's city council, Portugal. The study included site analysis, urban design guidelines, open space and urban planning typologies and final proposal.
  • Europan 5 - European competitions for new architecture on themes related to urbanism - Architect/ Urban Planner

    1998 - 1998 Competion theme - "New Housing Landscapes: Travel and Proximity - Networks and the Town", Loures/ Sacavém, Portugal
  • Universidade Moderna - Urban Planning Intern

    1997 - 1998 Bom Sucesso/ Belém Project - Team coordinator of an urban planning team responsible for site
    analysis, urban design guidelines and proposal.
  • CESUR - Centro de Sistemas Urbanos e Regionais/ IST - Urban Planning Intern

    1996 - 1997 Master Plans evaluations - Impact on costs of urbanization project in the field
    of spatial planning and urban development - assessment of the distribution of green spaces and equipment for collective use and its influence on the urban environment.


  • Fac. Arq. Univ. Téc. Lisboa - FAUTL FAUTL (Lisboa)

    Lisboa 1992 - 1998 Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.), Urban Design and Planning specialization,


Annuaire des membres :